A seminar in the beautiful , amazing place Miasto!!

La commune de Osho Miasto est un des plus grands centres pour la méditation et la croissance spirituelle en Europe. Il est près de Sienne en Toscane. Il offre un programme très complet toute l’année de stages et formations pour la méditation, le bien-être et les arts créatifs etc.


Pour la France

Bodhi Sambhava
Mobile : +33 (0)6 64 78 56 10

Pour l’Italie

+39 0577 960124 / +39 0577 960133


Formulaire d’inscription

C’est un plaisir pour nous d’offrir une initiation Skydancing Tantra à MIASTO !

Le séminaire sera  donné en anglais / Italien

What is SkyDancing Tantra?

The vast body of knowledge and practices developed by Margot Anand is called “SkyDancing Tantra: The Path to Bliss.” Margot Anand is the author of several best-selling books, including the seminal classic, The Art of Sexual Ecstasy. Margot, along with her certified SkyDancing Tantra teachers, have taught SkyDancing Tantra to over 100,000 people worldwide, through nine international SkyDancing Institutes, since the late 1980’s.

The path of SkyDancing Tantra came to Margot as a revelation rather than a tradition. Yet the path of the SkyDancer goes back to 8th century Tibet, when Yeshe Tsogyal, the enlightened consort of Buddha Padmasambhava, was called the “Great Skydancer.” Together they developed Tantric Buddhism. “Skydancers” in the Buddhist tradition were people of great passion who were profoundly devoted to spiritual awakening.

The path of the SkyDancer is a path of spiritual partnership between men and women as equal spiritual partners integrating ecstatic states into their daily lives. SkyDancing Tantra relaxes the body, opens the heart and brings the mind into clear focus. When this integration has taken place, you are ready for a new sexual experience in which physical pleasure becomes a delight of the heart and an ecstasy of the spirit.


In Skydancing Tantra® a professional and experienced team follows a gradual and educational approach combining different practices and using a slow, relaxing and sensual approach. Through the practices you might approach your deepest self in an atmosphere of trust, security, respect, gentleness and warmth.
Also we carefully tailored this seminar to suit those who want to discover Tantra for the first time, as well as for the more experienced practitioners. Couples, singles, beginners and advanced practitioners, all are welcome! Our seminar fulfils the requirements for the Training in Ecstasy & Love (T.E.L.) of Skydancing Tantra®, led by its founder Margot Anand and other dedicated facilitators. For more information see: www.tantraskydancing.com

Accomodation & Meal:


odere San Giorgio, 16
53012 Chiusdino (Si) Italy
Tel.: +39 0577 960124
Fax: +39 0577 960213
P. IVA 00824960520
Site web : www.oshomiasto.it (en anglais et italien)

Schedules and information

The internship will begin Friday, September 6 at 10:00 and will end Sunday, September 8 around 16h.


The seminar will be in Italian / English language.  registration directly with Miasto +39 0577 960124.

 book directly on: www.oshomiasto.it


Fernando Manrique
Fernando Manrique
trained around the world as a medical doctor specializing in psychiatry/psychotherapy, Public Health and applied ethics. He trained in different meditation and ancient spiritual traditions (Lomilomi, Romiromi, Shamanism), body and breathe work. He practices Vajrajana Buddhism, Taoism and Tantra since 2008 and facilitates at several platforms in different European countries. He is a certified Meditation Facilitator (Uta Institute) and a certified Skydancing Tantra® Teacher II.


Johann (Assistant)
Passionné par le lien corps esprit, Johann se forme à la communication Ericksonienne (PNL, Hypnose, Coaching, ennéagramme…). Il suit la formation intégrale du Skydancing Tantra. Il s’engage dans la pratique du mouvement vers plus de disponibilité, d’espace, de créativité et de liberté dans la relation à soi et à l’autre à travers des pratiques comme « la technique Alexander », la danse contemporaine, la danse contact, le tantra, et aussi le yoga, le chi gong et la méditation.
Musicien et infographiste, Johann a une âme d’artiste…

Bodhi Sambhava
Bodhi Sambhava
Bodhi Sambhava discovered Watsu® and Tantra over 20 years ago. After she became a professional Watsu® and Healing Dance® practitioner she specialized working with un-conscious cellular memories. She is also a certified Skydancing Tantra® Teacher II , Healing Dance® teacher and co-founder of Aqua-Tantra®, facilitating in Europe and Mexico. She says: «I was amazed by the magic of Tantra and wanted to share all what Tantra brought to me connecting it with the fluidity of water».